

Fat Girl on a Diet

Disclaimer: I curse. If this bothers you, exit now. I'm just saying. It's only gonna go downhill from here.
So back in my MySpace days, I used to write a little piece called "Fat Girl on a Diet". This usually meant that I was motivated to do something to spur me off my couch and work on killing my inner fat kid. Needless to say, this never lasted very long, and as soon as you could say "Can you bring us more chips and salsa?" I was back to being a lazy-ass fat girl.
I'm happy to say that 2010 has been the happy kick in the rear that I needed to get my shit together, and thankfully I've stuck to it for nine months and lost 30 pounds of ick. It hasn't been easy or effortless for me; my doctor recently diagnosed me with a condition that had 'weight gain' as one of the main symptoms. Most people would be like, "woohoo! This shit isn't even my FAULT! Pass the cheesecake."
I'm not most people.
So the past few months, I've had a lot of folks either ask me questions or comment to me, and I decided to dust off FGOAD so I could respond to everyone.
  • Wow you've lost a lot of weight, huh? You're so lucky! I'm not. My body is not suddenly magical and took it upon itself to drop weight while I chilled out and ate cheeseburgers (mmm...cheeseburgers). I completely overhauled my diet. I eat more fiber than any one person should ever have to, and I write down everything I eat. Most days I hate this. Food journals, while constructive and essential to losing weight, are a huge pain in the ass. But I do it and I write what I ate whether or not I'm proud of eating it (damn you, pirouette cookies)
  • I want to lose weight but I'm not a runner. You run, so that's why you lose weight.
Again, fucking wrong. Running is not grounds for a free-for-all buffet. I have weeks where I eat too much and it completely cancels out the 25-30 miles I ran. Those weeks suck ass. Eating is 1/2 of your issue; you are still gonna need to move your fat ass though. Swim, walk, bike, fucking somersault, I don't give a shit. You need to move more. If you park in the closest parking spot to whatever you're going to, you're doing it wrong.
  • I'm just always gonna have this gut/fat ass/roll. I've always been fat so that's not going to change.
Okay, you're just a dumbass. Get the fuck out of my note and delete me off your friends because I'm better not knowing you. Seriously. If that's your attitude, GTFO.
  • I don't know how to get started. How did you get started?
Honestly, I was inspired by a friend of mine and started by stopping by Weight Watchers. I didn't think I could do this on my own and if you need a fatty support group, this is the way to go. I still pay the dues although I only show up sporatically at best (Sorry Cheryl, I know I suck) but they give you a way of looking at things that could help. Once I picked a few fitness goals, they kind of overruled me going to Weight Watchers anymore.
  • Buy new pants! Your pants are too big!
Fuck you, pants are expensive! Who has $30 per pair to just wear the new pants for 1-2 months? I'm broke, ya'll. Unless you are buying me pants you'll just have to look at my saggy ones until I'm done losing weight.
  • How much do you want to lose?
My goal weight is about 25-30 pounds less than where I am right now. So basically I'm 1/2 way there. A year ago, the idea of 60 pounds to lose was almost too much for me to think about so I didn't. I set goals- 10, 19, 30, 40 (current goal), 50, 60. Those are my milestones but I have no set timeline. I might orchestrate this, but I can't make the weight go exactly when I want it to.
Anyways, there are a few of the things people have asked/said. Feel free to ask me questions; just know that I'm gonna be honest and if that's hard to hear, then I'm sorry.
I'll leave you with this ~ Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.
