

Team Katz - 2007 Year in Review

What's up my friends and family?
So I finally got my lazy bottom off MySpace and decided to blog where I could send it to everyone. I figured it's more fun than just e-mailing, but we'll see if I'm up to the challenge of keeping it updated. So here we go...

2007: Year in Review

Highlights/ Lowlights:

  • Moved to Corpus Christi, Texas in January from Pensacola, Florida. With the forecast of paying two morgages, we decided to move into housing.
  • Sold the Florida house! Yippee!!!
  • Started work for an Air Training Squadron (VT-35) as a Student Control Clerk. Positives: Made a few awesome friends, and the 5-minute commute rocked. Negitives: The job sucked, the pay sucked, some of the people get the picture.
  • Jeremy Deploys from April - August to South America and the Carribean.
  • Left crappy job for new, exciting, posh, demanding new job working for the Regional Economic Development Corporation. Living with exhaustion would become like breathing.
  • Visited friends in Vegas! Yayy!! Got some version of the black plague on the way home and spent like, a month sick. Booo.
  • Visited friends in Pensacola! Yay!! Can't remember large portions of it do to drunken pace set by friends. Booo.
  • Jeremy gets promoted!! YAY!!
  • Stacy gets promoted!! DOUBLE YAY!!
  • Went home for Christmas and got to see parents and crazy religious brother. Good times.
  • Jeremy Deploys January 2nd. Seriously; Boo.

That's pretty much the Year in Review for Team Katz! I wish we were a tad more exciting. We are definitely looking forward to 2008; there will be a lot going on for us...

2008 - Looking Forward

Jeremy comes home from deployment - May '08. VERY excited about that part. Texas is lonely without him.

Visiting San Diego in July- Comic-Con is at the end of July and I've already bought the 4-day pass for Jeremy. I'm excited about going back to the city that I will always consider HOME.

Moving back to Florida in August. Jeremy got orders to a Helicopter Squadron located in Jacksonville, FL. Depending on how soon they will deploy upon us getting there, I may wait in Texas until after they return. If it looks like they will be inport for a while, I will go ahead and move in August. Time will tell.

Love you all!

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