

Virginia is for Lovers 14K

Distance: 8.7 Miles
Overall Time: 1:36:36
Pace: 11:19/mi

This run was one I'd had on the books for a while, and although I knew I wouldn't be running at 100 percent, I was still excited for it. So far, all the J & A Racing events have been a lot of fun, and have had fast and fun-costumed runners to enjoy it with. The Virginia Beach area had recently seen about 4 inches of snow, however, so the ground was soft and slushy for race time. The course was extremely slick from the melted snow mixed with low temps, but this wouldn't have bothered me much if I was running by the beach. Unfortunately, the course was change last-minute, and it was not as scenic as the Virginia Beach courses I was used to.

I was in a lot of pain after about mile 2, and with my recent diagnosis of heel spurs in both feet, I wasn't surprised but I was disappointed. I alternated running and walking, something I've never been good at, and by the 8th mile I was stiff and sore.  Truly, the photos tell the story:

Photo credit: Tri Duo Sports Photography
 I tried to push through, but my time was the worst I'd had in quite some time for an 8+ mile run. I was pretty happy to see the finish line after such a brutal hour and a half. It was a downer for sure, but I still hope to heal enough to get a decent time for Shamrock next month.


Healing What's Broken...

As a girl in a constant state of busted-footedness, I've tried a lot of methods to keep my long distance running going. I've had plantar fascitis for several years and I live a regimen of stretch-run-stretch-motrin-ice-stretch-night splint-stretch. It's exhausing, but I love running, so I make due. The past couple months, however, I've noticed a lot more pain to the back of my heel. And not just in the morning or after a run either- for the first time, I'm having sharp pain if I just squeeze the sides of my heel. Booo.

I went to see a Family Practice doctor and convinced her to give me a referal to see a podiatrist, and hopefully I will be able to get an appointment for some time in the next few weeks. Gotta love Tricare for the hurry-up and wait! I am hoping that I can get a custon orthotic to assist me with the amount of miles I want to put in (usually between 20-30 depending on the week of training I'm in).  In the meantime, however, I was told sternly to not run. Pfft. This lady obviously does not know me.

Me, beer, football, icepack. Just a normal state of affairs at this point.

So I stepped up my game in preparation for the Virginia is for Lovers 14K that is on Saturday (12 Feb). I know I won't be able to run the entire thing, but I definitely don't want to walk the enture thing either, so I did a jog/run/walk combo on Sunday before the Super Bowl, and during the running, I felt good! I did 5 miles, which is around half my run next Saturday. After the workout was over? Not so good. The pain and swelling brought on ice, motrin, and a generous foot rub from the husband. 

On a brighter note, I bought some amazingly cheap (on sale) running skirts from Running Skirts and I can't wait for them to arrive. I am especially pumped about a green plaid one that I'm thinking of wearing for the Shamrock Half Marathon in March. Sure, I'm still chunky...but I gotta show off the legs I've worked so damned hard on!