

Healing What's Broken...

As a girl in a constant state of busted-footedness, I've tried a lot of methods to keep my long distance running going. I've had plantar fascitis for several years and I live a regimen of stretch-run-stretch-motrin-ice-stretch-night splint-stretch. It's exhausing, but I love running, so I make due. The past couple months, however, I've noticed a lot more pain to the back of my heel. And not just in the morning or after a run either- for the first time, I'm having sharp pain if I just squeeze the sides of my heel. Booo.

I went to see a Family Practice doctor and convinced her to give me a referal to see a podiatrist, and hopefully I will be able to get an appointment for some time in the next few weeks. Gotta love Tricare for the hurry-up and wait! I am hoping that I can get a custon orthotic to assist me with the amount of miles I want to put in (usually between 20-30 depending on the week of training I'm in).  In the meantime, however, I was told sternly to not run. Pfft. This lady obviously does not know me.

Me, beer, football, icepack. Just a normal state of affairs at this point.

So I stepped up my game in preparation for the Virginia is for Lovers 14K that is on Saturday (12 Feb). I know I won't be able to run the entire thing, but I definitely don't want to walk the enture thing either, so I did a jog/run/walk combo on Sunday before the Super Bowl, and during the running, I felt good! I did 5 miles, which is around half my run next Saturday. After the workout was over? Not so good. The pain and swelling brought on ice, motrin, and a generous foot rub from the husband. 

On a brighter note, I bought some amazingly cheap (on sale) running skirts from Running Skirts and I can't wait for them to arrive. I am especially pumped about a green plaid one that I'm thinking of wearing for the Shamrock Half Marathon in March. Sure, I'm still chunky...but I gotta show off the legs I've worked so damned hard on!

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